Week-ends (06/29/2024)

A look back at the people and events that made news the past week. Week-ends is a regular weekly feature of  This Just In…


Virginia Hislop

Caitlin Clark

Hilario Deleon


Left-media fact checkers

COVID fraudsters

Kenneth Wade Jr


“I watched a man, first hand, ‘CHOKE’ under tremendous pressure, the likes of which he has never seen before. His speech on Friday was better, and he seems to be coming out of his trance, but AMERICA must ask itself, with all of the many dangers around, do we really want a President who CHOKES? I don’t think so!”
President Trump on Truth Social

We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well. Every – everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us. We got hit with Covid. And when we did, we spent the money necessary so we wouldn’t end up in a Great Depression, the likes of which we had in 1929. By the time we finished – so we did a great job. We got a lot of credit for the economy, a lot of credit for the military, and no wars and so many other things. Everything was rocking good.”
President Trump at the debate

“We’d be able to right wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do – child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the Covid. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with – look, if – we finally beat Medicare.”
President Biden at the debate

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.”
Trump responding to Biden

“The worst performance in debate history.”
A Democratic strategist texting with a reporter at The Hill while the clash at the CNN studios was still happening

“A f‑‑‑ing disaster.”
Former President Obama speechwriter-turned-podcaster Jon Favreau told his “Pod Save America” audience soon after the debate

He (Biden) knew “every one of these questions is coming. He goes through six days of preparation, a camp day, more than that. And they know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn’t fill the time.”
Erin Burnett, CNN

“He was over-prepared and relying on minutiae when all that mattered was vigor and energy. They prepared him for the wrong debate. He was over-prepared when what he needed was rest. It’s confounding.”
The White House told Axios

“It’s deeply alarming that Joe Biden needs to be secluded for seven days so he can speak coherently for 90 minutes.”
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“Biden’s [debate] presence confirmed that Robert Hur, the special counsel who investigated the president’s handling of classified documents, was, if anything, pulling punches when he wrote that Biden is ‘a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’”
Matthew Continetti

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know.”
Barack Obama, writing on the social platform X

“That’s a good man. He loves his country. He’s doing the best that he can. But he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence in the country and of the base, and he failed to do that.”
Van Jones, a Democratic political analyst for CNN

“Unless there’s a change.”
On MSNBC, Joe Scarborough predicted a Trump victory in November

“Perhaps the next wave of polls won’t be as bad for Biden as is widely feared. Perhaps some other drama will intervene to hurt Trump or reshape the race. But for now, Democrats are in desperation. They have no easy solution around the corner.”
The Hill

“The hoarse voice and the gaffes: in the TV duel, Biden paves the way for Trump’s triumph. Now it’s up to Jill to convince her husband to leave.”

The Italian newspaper la Repubblica

“He does not seem to be the person who’s making the decisions in the White House. I think our government is being run by anonymous men in lanyards, and it’s scary.”


“The New York Times’s dry economic comedy specialist Paul Krugman gave new meaning to the term “doublespeak” when he drooled over President Joe Biden’s supposed star-spangled awesomeness while telling him at the same time to make like a banana and split. Krugman joined a chorus of dumbstruck leftists who were panicking over Biden’s bumbling debate performance against former President Donald Trump. ‘The Best President of My Adult Life Needs to Withdraw,’ cried Krugman in his babbling June 28 (column). How Krugman could be adamant that ‘the best president’ Biden should be a shoo-in for reelection while calling on him to scram is an exercise in logical incoherence.”
Joseph Vazquez is the Media reseach Council Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America

“Joe Biden … [is] leading the world in reducing inflation.”
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“I am all in for President Biden because I think he’s done a good job and I think he has earned the right to be reelected to continue the work he’s doing to better position our country.”
Hillary Clinton

“When it comes to extremism, no one holds a candle to the Biden/Harris regime. They are in a category all by themselves.”
Gary Bauer

“Progressives would never countenance painting a Christian cross on a public crosswalk. But what makes one group’s symbol of pride different from another’s symbol of love? What gives the LGBTQ community a right to an official presence in public that’s denied to religious believers? … If liberals want to separate church and state, they have to acknowledge that the same principle separates sexuality and state.”
Daniel McCarthy

“Listen, if you don’t like what’s happening in Gaza, it’s your right to protest. That’s not a problem. But you protest a policy. You don’t protest a people. … You don’t bum-rush a Jewish neighborhood and run up on a synagogue. That’s not protesting a policy. That’s protesting a people. … Politics can be complicated. Geopolitics can be really complicated. How you treat your neighbors, how you treat people in your community, is not complicated. [I] haven’t seen any Jewish people running up on mosques with Israeli flags.”
CNN’s Van Jones

“Everywhere he goes, Joe Biden tells the radical LGBTQ crowd that he ‘has their back.’ But he couldn’t care less about Americans murdered by his illegal migrants.”
Gary Bauer

“Infant mortality rate rose 8% in wake of Texas abortion ban, study shows.”
Associated Press (Meanwhile, the mortality rate for abortions is 100%.)


Gay Activists Accused of Abusing Their Adopted Kids


Pride Month Goes Out With a Whimper


Debate, and rightfully so


I called out sick to catch a plane — then I ran into my boss on the flight

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