Today’s highly interesting read (06/27/2024): Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate

Ronald Reagan, October 28, 1980…

Today’s read is from Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., writing in American Thinker. Here’s an excerpt:

Trump can really win the debate bigly by asking the question Ronald Reagan asked the hapless Jimmy Carter during a 1980 presidential debate, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

This question is more relevant in this election than any other as both candidates have served a term as POTUS. They have records to run on.

This would be a more difficult question asked by Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley as conditions four years ago had nothing to do with them. But with Trump, those conditions were his, as he was president at the time.

RNC Research on Twitter, offered this quick summary:


— Inflation was at 1.4%.

— The southern border was SECURE.

— Gas averaged $2.39/gallon.

— The average 30-yr mortgage rate was ~2.7%.

— The world was at PEACE.

Let’s unpack this, looking at what these metrics were like four years ago.

Read the entire column here.

One thought on “Today’s highly interesting read (06/27/2024): Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate

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