The Barking Lot – America’s Finest Dog Blog (06/01/2024)

THE WEEKEND DOG-WALKING FORECAST: We grade the weather outlook for taking your pet outdoors.

Time now for DOGS IN THE NEWS, canines that made headlines the past week.

‘Can my pet eat cicadas?’ 

U.S. Postal Service Releases Dog Bite National Rankings.

There were more dog attacks this week, so a repeat from a few weeks ago: Fatal dog attacks are rising – and are hard to predict.

How a Puppy Whines Affects Their Mother’s Behavior.

Puppies born on Memorial Day will be given to veterans for support.

From the UK: Couples Want Their Dog at Their Wedding More Than Some Humans.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for stopping by.

We’d really appreciate it if you forward this on to other dog lovers you know. Let them have some fun!

See ya, BARK, next Saturday!

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