Today’s highly interesting read (08/19/22): Liz Cheney is no Abraham Lincoln

Today’s read is from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Here’s an excerpt:

As congresswoman Liz Cheney was being decisively repudiated by the Republican voters of Wyoming (66 percent to 29 percent), her smug Eastern establishment certainty of moral virtue remained intact.

In her concession speech, Cheney quoted Abraham Lincoln and noted that he too lost a race for Congress. However, in describing her situation with the words of Lincoln, she skewed the historic record.

Read the entire column here. 

One thought on “Today’s highly interesting read (08/19/22): Liz Cheney is no Abraham Lincoln

  1. Pingback: Trump wins in 2022; Cheney & Lincoln; political rules; educators holding kids hostage; anti-Catholic incidents | This Just In… From Franklin, WI

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